The high performance DTS 4135 timeserver can reply more than 1250 NTP and SNTP requests per second. It can also work as an NTP time reference for a network, being synchronized from a superior NTP-Server (client and server at the same time). As a multi-purpose device the timeserver is equipped with two independent IRIG/AFNOR outputs, two serial RS 232/RS 485 interfaces with script file programmable telegrams, two DCF or high accurate pulse /frequency outputs (RS 422 and optocoupler) and one additional DCF current loop output. The highest degree of system availability and reliability can be achieved by the master-slave operation of two DTS 4135.timeservers connected via fiber-optic (redundant operation).
Your benefits using DTS 4135.timeserver:
- Supports NTP authentication for increased security, which allows the clients, to verify the received NTP packets.
- The master clock manage automatic and autonomous alarm notification by SNMP (alarm and alive traps), SMTP (e-mail) protocols and over embedded alarm relay.
- The master clock can be synchronized by a GPS receiver or by IRIG-B time code or by NTP. It can also operate in stand-alone mode thanks to an embedded high quality oscillator (DTS 4135.timeserver: TCXO, DTS 4136.timeserver: OCXO).
- Safe and convenient operation over LAN via MOBANMS (SNMP), Telnet, SSH or SNMP protocols is possible.